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Large Format Document scanning:
(17 x 22 A2)", (22 x 34 A1)" and (34 x 44 A0)" and larger Formats


We can and do scan 100,000s of these documents each week at either our production facility and/or onsite at our customer's place.
Eclipse Technology uses the most advanced processes and tools to scan and convert these documents. However, we usually receive these documents from our clients in conditions that usually prevent the automation process right away (specially in Legacy (Backfile) conversion).

Ideally, we prefer the documents to come to us in a state of new Ream of Papers, But in reality the documents come in torn, twisted, dusty, wrinkled, folded and unsorted. Documents in these conditions require a bit of manual processing (Unfolding, Sorting, Scanning Preparations, Reassembeling) All in all, it takes quite a bit of man hours to get these documents out of their original boxes to the scanners and back into the boxes.The imaging (Scanning) part is normally the fastest and easiset.

Our dedicated, professional technical team is available for onsite or offsite work. For Offsite work, you can ship your documents to us in Atlanta, GA by following our shipping instructions for maximum time and resource savings.Once we receive the docs, our pros will separate the folders, prepare, codify and index the documents,scan the papers,OCR and convert them to your format of choice including Word,Pdf (see available pdf conversion formats), Tiff, CALS, GroupIV (compresses images) etc...) and store onto the medium of your choice as well (ie, CD, DVD, COLD, Online access (see our hosting services) )

We also OCR, DESPECKLE, DESKEW, and ROTATE images.We perform many post processing operations on the scanned documents, including WORD and PDF conversions.

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3379 Peachtree Road NE (Buckhead), Suite 555, Atlanta , GA 30326